Little Paths Australia where little by little, becomes a lot!!!
Our vision statement is intended to reflect our bonds with the street children of Mwanza, Tanzania and our intentions of increasing similar supports to street children world wide. Directed by Tanzanian Proverb “Haba na haba, hujaza kibaba” “Little by little, a lot can be done”.
We fundraise locally and Australia wide to raise money needed to
1. Provide school fees for primary school students in Tanzania.
2. Provide support for a wonderful organisation COET, working with street children in the Kuleana Centre, Mwanza Tanzania, particularly around reintegrating children with their families, wherever safe.
3. Provide Secondary School Scholarships or Vocational School Scholarships for Tanzanian and Cambodian Secondary Students.
4. Provide ongoing support for street children in Cambodia by supporting the Cambodian Children's Trust Organisation, particularly supporting mental health promotion and education.